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First public build released

Hello friends and a happy new year to all of you!

In my September post I stated the goal for the year to be the release of a first public build of 13 Ronin. I followed the statement with a list of features the release should contain, and although I haven’t managed to complete all of those features I’m still quite happy. Lacking from the list is a background animation of a pair of women drinking tea, the color of the opponent (it should be white, but is grey) and an idle animation variation. The idle variation and the color of the opponent will be added later on. The tea-drinking women will probably be cut in favor of some other animation.

Big disclaimer

Please keep in mind that this is not a completed game, it's not even a demo, it's work in progress and a lot of stuff will be changed, improved and added before even this first level is finished. With all that said, you're very welcome to download it and give it a go, and hopefully give me some valuable feedback. This release is Windows only.

  1. Click this link to go to my DropBox-account

  2. Download file 13Ronin, 1st Public

  3. When download is finished extract the zip-folder

  4. Open folder and double-click 13Ronin.exe

  5. Press ‘1’ to start game

When playing, press ‘ESC’ to return to start-screen, and press 'ESC' once more to exit game.




Crouch Arrow key down

Jump up Left ctrl key

Jump forward Left ctrl key + arrow key forward

Jump backward Left ctrl key + arrow key backward

Turn around Space + Arrow key backward Walk forward Arrow key forward

Walk backward Arrow key backward

Attacks: Head cut Space + Arrow key up Kick Space + Arrow key forward and down Throat cut Space + Arrow key forward Throw gravel Space + Arrow key down

Blocks: Block Head cut Left shift + Arrow key up

Block Throat cut Left shift + Arrow key forward

X-box style gamepad:


Crouch Directional pad down

Jump up Button X

Jump forward Button X + Directional pad forward

Jump backward Button X + Directional pad backward

Turn around Button B + Directional pad backward Walk forward Directional pad forward

Walk backward Directional pad backward

Attacks: Head cut Button B + Directional pad up Kick Button B + Directional pad forward and

directional pad down Throat cut Button B + Directional pad forward Throw gravel Button B + Directional pad down

Blocks: Block Head cut Button A + Directional pad up

Block Throat cut Button A + Directional pad forward

This release is heavily flawed with an unintelligent opponent and unbalanced gameplay, but still, it’s a game that can be played, and I can't help but feel a little bit proud. The future is bright

Happy new coding year!



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